STAFF EDITORIAL — There is absolutely nothing more necessary at this point in the semester than spring break. Midterms have seemed to last for weeks, and just when you think you’ve caught up on all your work and have been super productive, the next wave hits. On top of hours of assignments, the weather here in Ohio has been tough.

Freezing cold days with inconsistent snowfall and no accumulation just leaves campus looking sad and damp. Cloudy days encourage perfect napping conditions, however recently it’s felt as if every free moment must be spent grinding on homework. No need to stress, spring break is just around the corner with just two days left to conquer. Whether you’ll be spending time in the sun somewhere tropical and warm, or simply snuggled up on the couch at home with the family, everyone on campus deserves some time off to relax.

The week before spring break creates the same feeling in everyone that it does right before winter break. A blend of restless, random irritation, the inability to write a paper or do a reading, and most importantly, the need to hit a mental reset. The time after both winter and spring breaks is some of the best at Denison because every student and faculty member seems to be in an apparently good mood. Spring break in particular is a great time to catch up on sleep, see friends and family from outside of school, apply for jobs and internships and to get out of the bubble on the Hill.

Spring semester before the break seems to be an endless climb. With one assignment after the next, it gets exhausting. During the fall semester, it seems there isn’t as much stress as spring semester, especially with fall break. Spring break is necessary for students not to go completely insane.

It’s no coincidence that all of your work catches up with you right before break. Quizzes, research papers, and, of course, midterms have been overwhelming students these past couple weeks. Spring break is much anticipated, and gives students the hope that when the semester resumes, it will be less stressful and slower-paced.

We’re not all so lucky though as spring break often comes with less rest than we’d think. Sometimes, teachers treat spring break as an opportunity to assign large reading and writing assignments. For some, these assignments go uncompleted as break should be our time to relax. For others, these assignments may take up some of the much needed free time students look forward to.

Regardless, it will be a chance for all of us to catch our breath and maybe even soak in some sun on the beach. And even if you aren’t heading toward warmer weather next week, you can always look forward to more sleep. All of us can finish this week on a high note knowing that we will finally be able to turn off those alarm clocks next week.