On Tuesday, February 20 President Francis Kalombo Ngoy ‘19 and Vice-President Atticus Daniels ‘20 of DCGA introduced a nine point Student-Driven Master Plan to the senate meeting. Both Kalombo-Ngoy and Daniels seek to answer questions such as- What does an improved Denison campus look like? And What does an improved student experience look like?

This master plan, unlike the one being carried out by housing, will be student-driven and relies on our participation to see it through. The nine-point plan seeks to reach and improve every end of Denison’s campus including: Dining halls, campus grounds, parking and residence halls. The Student-Driven Master Plan, that has been in the works since last semester, is set to take effect by the end of this semester.

The ‘Projects’ are as follows:


The first project, creating a constitutional task force, would be specifically comprised of DCGA senators. This is to ensure DCGA is serving the needs of students as a whole and how student government can be made stronger.

The second, parking reformation, is a priority for DCGA senators. Clearly, parking (or the lack thereof) has been an issue this semester on campus. Senator Nathaniel Beach ‘20 and and Speaker Jordan Beck ‘20 are looking into alternative parking options, such as universal parking as an alternative to a new garage.

Big Red Mascot Campaign- because doesn’t an amazing school deserve an equally amazing mascot?

The idea for a community gardening project originally came about to solve the problem of littering on Denison’s campus, as well as the fact that A-Quad and other tour areas need to be kept up for prospective students. “In this project , we will organize an event that students can be given resources to refurbish the garden beds outside of their residence halls.” Think of it as a destress fest- but with gardening! **Note: The gardening will be the only project that is not currently planned on being completed by the end of the semester.

Campus Safety Profile videos- to create more transparency around the Campus Safety officers. So we can put names to faces and recognize the individuals that work hard to keep us safe.  

Operation CLU (Community Lounge Upgrade)- Prioritizes the need for upgraded common rooms. Anyone can submit their ideas and be a part of the effort to give our living spaces a much needed makeover.

The Dining Spending App and Slayter Blackout compromise are two projects in one. The first being an app to track declining dollars and the second is altering the Slayter “Blackout period” where students cannot use their declining dollars between the hours of 11 AM- 1 PM. “The purpose is to find a compromise so that [the] students that don’t have time to go to the dining halls can get a quick snack” says Daniels. DCGA wants to reach a compromise that will benefit both the Slayter employees and students on the issue.

Ohio-Five School Government Outreach- this would build on Denison’s philosophy of networking. DCGA wants to keep in contact with other student governments of Universities in Ohio. This would help unify and give more power to college students as a whole.

Menstrual Product Campaign- the goal here is to provide free menstrual products around campus. Whisler is already provided the grant to afford free condoms across campus, DCGA would like the same to be done for menstrual products.

As previously stated, the President and Vice-President are foreseeing most of the Master-Plan being carried out by the end of the semester. “We are bringing this [plan] to you, now is the time for action.” says Kalombo- Ngoy. This is Student-Driven, so whether or not these ideas get implemented is up to us. Let’s make it happen. Contact either [email protected] or [email protected] if you have any further input or questions!